Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sheesh it's been forever since I posted anything! So here is a quick catch up-
-I just finished my third year teaching music at Place Bridge Academy and start teaching summer school tomorrow.
-We got to spend a weekend in Utah visiting family (ironically mine too)
-We moved to Broomfield
-Talmage got accepted to Colorado Film School and starts this August, he is soooo excited.
- Our kitty broke her leg in December (no idea how) but she's all better now

and the best news ever??? WE JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE!!
We are so excited, this is really our first big purchase/decision as a married couple. We close on July 8th and will spend the rest of the month (minus Nielsenhaven) to clean, paint, and move. We can't wait to have our own place and to have everyone over to visit!
I will try to do weekly posts since the house is still being built, we want to monitor the progress.
We hope you enjoy seeing the progress as much as we do!
This is the video Talmage took on June 3rd right before we signed the contract.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Woo hoo! So many exciting things!